Sep 29, 2009


Last friday and saturday, my hubby took his father for a check up at Pantai Hospital. Abah has been complaining about stomach ache. He was admitted 2-3 times in GH this year for the same reason. Unfortunately, they can't detect what was wrong with him...

So, they took him to Pantai... based on the report from Pantai Doct., my FIL is suffering from kanser usus... they showed us the video from the scope procedures they did on him and we saw the cancer.

Now, hubby and other siblings encourage my FIL to undergo an operation, he can choose to do it in the GH or at pantai. The cost will be around RM 10k. The doct did say that the operation need to be done ASAP but knowing abah, he wants to settle his youngest son's wedding first that will take place this saturday in KL and the next weekend in Muar.

Cancer is very common and can cause death among malaysians... last two years my MIL suffered from asofagus cancer, after more than a year treatments, she past away on the 1st of January 2008, while Malaysians were watching fireworks for the new year, my in-laws lost their mother.

When they discover about abah and his cancer, they are quite worried and hope abah will recover. Abah has been hoping to do his haj this year, or next year. If anything happen to Abah and we hope nothing will, we will pray Abah will be able to fulfill his hopes first.

Sep 28, 2009

New Member


As my best friend says, update blog setahun sekali je... hihihi...

Kali ni nak updatekan and introducing my latest angel at heart... namanya Nurdeena Huda bt Rais, you can call her Huda. They said she looks like her 2nd sister, uzma (below)... Especially part pipi tu... hihihi... rambut pun sama... ala2 ultraman kat tengah tu... some people say punk style...

Gambar dia banyak actuallynya... tapi in my phone... so, can't really show you how similar the hairstyle. But actually my 1st daughter pun had the same hairstyle when she was small... unfortunately, her pic is in my computer at home... Got to compile all in the same computer later...
Huda, borned on the 23rd (Thursday) morning (9.22 am) after 6 hours of pain... My water broke at 12.30 midnight. Born at 3.6 kg, now after 2 months she is 5 kg... Frankly, this labor was the worst experience I've ever had eventhough this is my 3rd labor... It is not the labor that I hate, but the treatment i received... No, they didn't scream or yell at me, they are nice... but they made me a learning object for the new nurses... terrible experience...
Anyway... my two daughters love Huda (from my observation). The two of them are so close in age from one another, so, they don't really see each other as sibling, but as friends/competitor instead... But with Huda, they treat her like one by being very protective and so on.... It is nice to know it... Given time, they will take care of each other...