Dec 9, 2008

Concert TASAS

Last month was maisara's school concert. Initially, I can't make it to her concert because I have a course to handle. Tapi last minutes, I passed the task to a friend. So, lucky me, I made it to her concert.

The concert was held in the Media House Melaka. Entrance was free but we still need to pay some fee for the preparation RM 40 per child. I saw the deco in the hall, the costumes, the DJ and the sounds, so basically I know where the money went to.... The school has made good effort to make the concert a success.... You know how difficult it is to take care of the little ones....

When we arrived at the media house, we saw sara lining up outside the hall, all pretty and sweet in her choir dress. Since she is 3, she is in a choir.... dancing and solo singing basically is for the 5 - 6 years....

The concert went well, the hall was packed with parents. Luckily I didn't bring uzma along otherwise I will have to chase her all around. I never went to any concert like this before so, it was quite entertaining. But I didn't stay until finish since maisara is quite tired by the time she was done with her choir. She sang "I have a dream by westlife". I saw her miming on stage but when I asked her to sing again in the car, she only remember the chorus. I think she can sings when the music is on.

Next year Uzma will be joing sara in school and I look forward for their concert next year.


Rais & Azizah said...

My mistake... gambar senget... nanti la edit balik...

Anonymous said...

amboi, comel nye sara, nasib baik uzma tak join atas stage sekali..
