Nov 3, 2008

Dah Puas Raya


Ramai gak yang rindu ngan i... hihihi... takde la... jokes....

Anyway, takde la bz sangat... kerja as usual la... For the past one month (selama yang tak update blog) tak de apa pun yang buat. Ambik gambar tu banyak la tapi bila badi malas tu sampai memang apa pun tak jadik... Tapi takpe la...

Cuma the latest update about me is... I will be reassign to perjawatan berkuatkuasa mulai tarikh we move our butt to Durian Tunggal main campus... Why... maybe because i sucks... hihihi... takde la... or maybe i take my own sweet time to learn things... maybe gak... but my boss said major task for the next 2 years is recruitment... ye la tu...

The thing is, a colleage of mine is in perjawatan akademik already. All these as if implying my friend tu is not good enough in what she is doing... this morning from her own mouth, she said "nampak macam akak ni tak kompeten pulak kan..." eh... how do you respond to that... alamak... memang la I have experience in recruitment and my boss pun nak buat recruitment internationally, contract non malaysian lecturers, and headhunting malaysian students worlwide to become academicians. Tapi when it is put in such a way... it become such discomfort... Rasanya semua orang pun boleh buat recruitment ni...

I enjoy working in HRD because of the endless training programs that we conduct, meetings etc. All are new to me... and I already have plan to come up with a structured trainig plan for UTeM. Unfortunately, takpe la... next time. Even though the paper and the framework dah siap to be presented, I guess the PIC next will be responsible. Sayang pulak tak dpt to be part of something so big... Anyway, with my status married with kids ni tak sesuai nak selalu jalan jauh2 lama2... tinggal bebudak kecik tu, takut tak kenal mama dia pulak lepas ni...

At the same time, I can also enjoy in perjawatan since I know most about perjawatan... kerja senang la sikit, terus dapat plan extra2 activities. Tak payah nak belajar banyak2... Tapi at the end regret cause it leads to my friend's discomfort pulak...

I myself terpikir gak... teruk sangat ke aku kerja sampai kena reassign sampai 4 kali sepanjang 7 tahun kerja kat UTeM.... hihihi... Takpe la worst comes to worst jadik full time housewife... hihihihi... Ok la... sorry, no pictures.. next time, I'll post some raya pics...