Jul 2, 2009

Cuti Panjang

Today dah 2nd of July and I'm nearing my due date (24th July). Tapi as the doctor says, plus minus 2 weeks from the due date... So, lepas tu, boleh la bercuti panjang, seronoknya... 2 months break from work, free from pressure, free from trips, free from worries... and at last able to concentrate my entire body and soul to my family. I'm theirs for 2 months...

And not forgetting to the newcommer/additional to my family. Looking forward to it, tak sabar pun ada jugak. Even after 3 years I can still imagine how painful it is to give labor... tapi bila ingatkan sekejap je sakit tu... semangat tu datang balik... Hopefully and I pray to God, my labor this time is as easy and quick as i had for the previous 2...

6 hours in labor room masa maisara, and 3 hours masa uzma... kira ok la tu... compared to others, ada yang lasts for 12 - 16 hours... nak pengsan rasanya kalau camtu... apa pun.... janji baby sihat no matter what the gender... kalau ikut hati, memang nak boy, tapi kalau girl pun ok je... ramai sikit yang boleh nolong kat dapur and mengemas rumah nanti... hihihihi...

One thing for sure, betul la kata orang, pertambahan ahli keluarga ni murah rezeki... as i'm nearing my labor, rezeki baby ni agaknya I was trusted to memangku jawatan Deputy Registrar. Walaupun untuk setahun, tapi orang kata, sebelah kaki dah masuk... Insyaallah, Allah permudahkan semuanya... setiap perkara tu ada hikmahnya...

1 comment:

WaNNi said...

setengah setahun sekali baru update ye. tahniah! tahniah! rezeki baby baru, naik pangkat.